Friday, June 29, 2007

Security Font

I have just designed the most secure font ever. At least it is to my knowledge. You can get it here. Below is a screenshot of the font in action.

update: The screenshot was not showing up because either Firefox or Blogger decided that dragging and dropping a file into the blogger interface should try to link to the file on my computer rather than putting it on some photo upload site. So now the pic is up there. Sorry for the trouble and thanks to Anonymous for pointing it out.


  1. Please upload that screenshot to the Interweb as I don't have access to your computer. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Removed the last comment because it had some info I didn't want published.

  4. I belong to a committee that is trying to keep track of our newsletters that have been photocopied by others. Do you have any idea how we can mark these with some sort of tracing so we could find out who the mole is?

  5. I am attempting to print an image using an ink cartridge refilled with ultraviolet ink which is only visible under a black light. Do you have any ideas as to where I might find this type of ink to refill my cartridges with?

  6. Sorry, anonymi, I don't really have any suggestions.

    Anon1: You could try making each one slightly different in text (a semi-colon instead of a comma or period, change a word here and there, etc.). I think I read that in a Tom Clancy book.

    Anon2: That sounds like a cool idea. I think I read something on Schneier's blog about it a while ago but I can't remember. If you develop something like that post another comment or something.
