Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

I am back from my recent hiatus and have finally gotten caught up enough to write a couple of lines here. While on trips, it always becomes obvious how much better a simple solution is when compared with a complicated one. For example, when trying to backup images from a camera. It was a hassle to try to get them onto the computer then to a jump drive or a flickr.com account.

A much easier solution would be to use a device to dump the pictures directly to an iPod. The Apple iPod Camera Connector is the descriptively named device made by Apple to do the job. It works pretty well, too. It will even move RAW photos, though the iPod can't display them. This helped out greatly since my friend had dozens of gigs worth of these large photos and no way to store them to make room for more. While this certainly wasn't the simplest solution, it worked well and stayed within our budget.

With simple solutions, it is easy to see their flaws and compensate. The problems which can occur in a system increase exponentially with complexity. In other words, the more things that are involved, the more likely something is to go wrong and the more difficult they will be to solve. When giving directions to my house, I usually give them a route with very few turns. Because the directions are simple, they can be more precise and are easier to follow.

Also, the more difficult and complex something is to use, the less likely people are to use it. To stay with the example above, I drive a very simple route home from work every day. I could probably shave 5-10% off my trip time by taking alternate routes depending on conditions and using back streets rather than the main ones. However, this adds stress to my drive and introduces frustrations. Using the most direct route, I can sit back and relax on my drive, focusing instead on my music or on what I'll do with my free time.

Reducing the complexity of a system usually increases its security (or decreases its likelihood of failure). If a process requires four easy steps, it is much more likely to be followed closely than a similar process which requires several times more steps. In automated systems, more steps means that there are more places to troubleshoot when a problem arises. More worrisome, the more likely a single step is to fail silently and/or catastrophically.

So KISS! That Wikipedia link can elaborate for you if you are interested, but repeating what others have written is not keeping it simple. I'd hate to multiply entities beyond necessity, so I'll quit while I'm ahead.

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